Eyes on Aceras

Through the Eyes on Aceras project, I seek to make interventions in the commons (specifically the sidewalks of Madrid, Spain) to elicit transformative thinking in those who interact with my work. The sidewalks, a site of travel, of meeting, of rest, tell a complex story of creation, reinvention, and of the evolution of a city. In constant flux atop a base of complex and interrupted tiled textures, there lies a newer story of the activity of the space. The sidewalks, a concrete or stone base, are topped with chewed gum, tree leaves, feathers, dog piss, and cigarette butts. By creating monoprints in this space I disrupt the routine of passers-by, and creative evidence of that particular moment in space and time.

From these prints, along with maps, sketches, and philosophical and exploratory notation, small books are created. They notate pathways, broken routines, and the pulsating history of specific spots. They are spiritual guides of a moment in space in time, a path followed, the happenstance of life within an urban environment.

Visit @eyesonaceras on Instagram.