Exploring Rebellion through Insurrecta


The focus of this Advanced Seminars course at IE University in Segovia, Spain was to support students from a variety of academic backgrounds in developing their own artistic practice as a means to spur innovation. Students were introduced to a variety of philosophies, concepts, and exercises to support the development of their artistic practice. The cornerstone of the course was an Aesthetic Experience designed around Insurrecta, an installation work that was created by local artist, Gonzalo Borondo for the 500th anniversary of the Revolt of the Comuneros. The installation was carried out on 32 billboards distributed throughout the city, turning the urban landscape into an open museum.

This installation, explored not only the nature of the uprising against the then newly crowned king of Spain, but also the dynamics of internal conflict, building and using a visual language which addresses the dialogue between urban and natural landscapes, domestication, and the appropriation of symbols to divine new meanings.

Students were asked to select a story of rebellion from a place they were familiar with. It could be at any point in history. They were then asked to engage in visual research on this moment in time and place. From here, they curated visual languages which they then used to craft 10 images to explore this moment of rebellion.

Clara Verstl


Berlin, 1961

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Gran Via Challenge: Observation for Innovation